(Here is a picture of us all at the beach. I finally figured out how to add it on!
Doesn't Steve look great??? Check out the picture at the bottom too!!)
Steve had an appointment with the speech therapist again this week. She has such high hopes, but some of them are not very realistic. Steve (being the humorous guy that he is) loves to give her a hard time. Evidently he had a lot of fun with her during this visit since I wasn't there to keep an eye on him :) !
While he was there she asked how he was doing. Steve told her about some pain he has been having in his jaw and mouth. She was concerned and said he needs to be seen as soon as possible. The problem is his doctor is out of town and our Sept 3rd appointment was rescheduled - to NOVEMBER! After about 8 phone calls I was able to get him a Sept 21st appointment. Can you believe that the speech pathologist talked to one person and Steve has an appointment on Sept 8th. Amazing! I'm thankful, but after all my hard work, why didn't they give ME that appointment????
So, Steve will go on Sept 3rd to have his CT Scan. Then on Sept 8th we will go to see Dr. Grist (the oncologist) and Dr. Roser (the oral surgeon). We are praying that the spot on the June CT Scan turns out to be nothing - maybe a shadow or something. Please pray with us that we will have good news to share!
In the meantime, Steve is doing pretty well. He has been able to do a little bit of work and has been completing some of his small projects around the house and in the yard. He cleaned out his closet (which had crept up to the attic too - he never gets rid of anything!). He had soooo many clothes to get rid of that don't fit anymore. Some of them he has owned since before we got married!!
Have a great week and find time to relax and enjoy life this Labor Day weekend! Remember: God is good ... all the time!