Steve went for 2 job interviews yesterday! Unfortunately, he was not able to perform the duties at either of the jobs. One required heavy lifting - which was not an issue but the bending over to pick the items up caused his equilibrium to make him very dizzy. He has had this issue since his surgery last January. The doctors are not sure what this is from - his blood pressure drops really low when he bends over.
The second job was taking book orders over the phone. Steve did okay, but the people on the phone really had trouble understanding him so that would cause a problem. He came home feeling very useless. Please pray for him to find the right job for him and for him to be reminded of his importance. He is still trying to keep his roofing business going (he has partnered up with another guy), but right now it is not showing enough success.
With all the budget cuts in education and the rise in health care, cost of living, etc, I am looking for a summer job too. And now that Becca is 16 she would like to find a part time job. She has the opportunity of a lifetime to go to Prague and Vienna with her chorus group next year. So, she will have to help raise the money need for the trip. She is discouraged already because jobs are so hard to come by right now - especially when you are only 16!
Hope all is well with each of you. Spring is right around the corner! Only one more week until Spring Break for us - yeah! May God bless you all.