Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Update

Steve had a rough day on Monday. I guess he did too much on Sunday. He couldn't seem to keep himself awake and therefore he did not get the food and water he needed.  I guess I spoiled him over the weekend by doing too much for him : ) He mentioned that his throat feels sore. So, last night we tried to get all caught up on his liquids. He seemed to perk up a little last night. He was weak and a little shaky though. When he got up to open the locked door for Alli, his head started spinning and he fell on the floor and kind of fainted. I think that must be from a lack of nutrition. (I will call the doctor today if I can.) Since he was not having a good day, Steve decided not to try swallowing anything yet. 

This morning when I checked in with him, Steve said he was doing better. His voice is hoarse and harder to understand. I guess that is from his sore throat. Please pray that he is not getting sick and that his dizziness will go away! Thanks so much!

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