Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dr Visit Results

We had good news today. Steve's CT Scan did not show anything out of the ordinary! Steve shared some concerns about pain he is having in his jaw bone area on the left hand side as well as pain on the underside of the left side of his tongue. However, Dr. Grist did not see or feel anything and the CT Scan showed nothing either. So, we will have another CT Scan in late November to keep an eye out on those areas. Otherwise, we are good to go for teeth implants!

We met with the oral surgeon (Dr. Roser) today and he will coordinate with the prosthetic dentist (with whom Steve will meet on Thursday) and with the speech pathologist to get everything started. Steve is looking forward to getting teeth put in. He even asked Dr. Roser if he was busy tomorrow!! He laughed and said "I'm won't be working on your implants if that's what you mean : )".

We are still a bit in shock because we have learned to brace ourselves before these appointments. In a way we make ourselves numb in order to prepare for the worst. So, when it is good news, we are leery to believe it and it takes awhile to accept it. We are still in a state of shock, but are gradually realizing that our prayers have been answered.

With cancer, especially the history of Steve's cancer, it is hard to feel total relief because you realize that it could come back at anytime. Steve and I struggle to keep his cancer from robbing us of the joy of living a "normal, carefree" life. We have to remind ourselves to be thankful for each and every blessing - both big and small! What are you thankful for today? Be sure to let God know. And if it is a special person in your life, why not let them know too? As Steve always says: Be blessed and receive according to your walk and witness to others.

1 comment:

Kay Dew Shostak said...

Woo Hoo! So very happy for you all. I know it's hard for it to sink in - so I'll be praying for peace to settle in and around you like a snuggly!