Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday afternoon

Hi everybody! Wanted to update you on how we are doing today. Steve has done pretty well considering the pain and suffering he is enduring. (I think how hard it was for me to have my wisdom teeth out and cannot image how he handles all of this!) He has tried swallowing, but his tongue is just too swoolen. He cannot get the liquid past the tongue in order to get it down his throat. 

This is very typical. If you remember the last time, in May, he had a feeding tube put in through his abdomen. We decided not to do that this time because it caused more trouble than it was worth. We have asked if he can have a tube put in through his nose (a common procedure I'm told) in order for him to get the liquids and medicines down so he doesn't have to push himself to try to swallow. We are waiting to see the doctor this evening to find if this is a possiblity. With the feeding tube he would be able to be at home, resting in his own bed, which he prefers, of course.

Thanks for all the calls, well wishes, cards, and prayers! I'll update again when I know more. 



Teresa said...

Hi Lisa & Steve,

It is so good to see Steve is doing so well. You and your girls are in our prayers. If there is anything our family can do for yours, PLEASE call.

Teresa Smith

Carolina Girl said...

How like Steve to be witty even when he doesn't feel so great! Laughter is good like medicine. I know the going is tough. Please know that Rebecca and I are lifting each of you in prayer.

Charlotte Fields

Blair said...

Hello Lisa and Steve,

Glad to read that there is peace in your hearts during this recovery time.Praying the doctor approves the feeding tube and the pain can be managed well.

Prayer: "Loving God,as we face the storms of life,help us to remember that you endure them with us.Help us to claim your promise of peace.Amen"

All Blessings
