Sunday, July 26, 2009

Feeling a little better

We heard from the doctor on Friday about the blood work they did on Steve. Everything looked good with the exception of his iron count. Steve is anemic so he is now on iron pills. He will go next week to do stool samples and then more blood work in 6 weeks. In the meantime, this virus seems to have run its course. Each day has brought a slight change in symptoms, aches and pains. We are hoping he is about done with the whole thing. He is feeling a little better this morning : )

Since school starts soon, I will feel much better if he is back to feeling better before I go back. Being the mother hen that I am, I have been hovering over him and won't be able to do that. For my piece of mind it helps to know that he is up to taking care of himself!

Thanks again for all your prayers and cards!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Just stumbled onto your blog by accident and caught up on all your happenings. I am so glad to hear that this is just a virus that Steve is dealing with and will keep praying for good news on the Sept CT scan. I know that you just want to put all this behind you. Been thinking about you guys but I felt a little funny calling you after not choosing Steve's company for the roof job. We just wanted a company with a local history behind them....I will give you a call soon. Love to you, Steve and the girls, Paula