Thursday, September 18, 2008

Doctor Visit

We went to see Steve's doctor yesterday. He took the stitches out and removed the skin graft he had put in during surgery because it was not "taking" or adhering to the skin on the bottom of Steve's mouth. He said everything looks fine. The path report shows clear margins. It mentions a slight chance that it spread to lymph nodes, but the CAT scan did not show anything, so we will need to keep an eye on that (Steve had his lymph nodes on the right side removed 10 years ago, so we will watch the left nodes). 

We kept the feeding tube for now - until Steve can swallow his medicines and his "formula" (similar to ensure). Steve is anxious to get rid of that since it is hurting his throat to have the tube back there. He is able to talk a little bit. His tongue is still swollen, so his speech is thick. Now we just need time and patience to let the healing process continue. (This is not easy for an active person like Steve. He is bored and frustrated!) He doesn't complain about pain or suffering - just boredom.

As always, his spirits are pretty high. He is not yet answering his phone - he is not ready to try to speak that much. However, he is up for visitors, so feel free to come by and say hi, or to just send him an email.

Thanks again for everything! 

1 comment:

TODD said...

Sorry to hear about the skin graft problem. We're thinking about you all. Tell steve to keep practicing those guitars.