Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekend Update

Well, it is already Monday morning. Where does the time go? Steve did okay this weekend, considering. He is in a good bit of pain. He is trying to swallow water each day. He misses his caffeine, so he tried some coffee. I guess that did not go too well, so he asked me to give him some cold coke (through his feeding tube) to help settle his stomach and get the caffeine : ) ! It's amazing what we take for granted each day of our lives. 

I am back at work, so Steve will be by himself during the day. He is up for visitors if you'd like to stop by. Just be patient for him to get to the door. While Steve cannot talk, he does have a white board and markers to communicate with. You can also email him anytime. 

We will go to the doctor on Wednesday to get the stitches out and have a follow-up visit. For now, please pray for the pain to subside, the swelling to go down, Steve's ability to get some sleep, and for continued healing. Thanks for all of your help and prayers!!! We couldn't get through all of this without you.

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