Monday, December 22, 2008

Busy Day!

We had a very busy and exciting day today. This morning at about 8:30am, a good friend of ours from church, Michael Bennett, brought over around 15 wonderful teenagers to work in our yard. We had additional help from our neighbors, Jonathon and Christopher, as well as more friends, Ken Sinclair, Paul Gold, Bob Tavares,  John Roy Harris, and Christian and Christine Einertson! Our whole front yard was cleaned and chopped of all debris.  The wall around the creek was finished on one entire side! New steps were built on to the pigeon loft. Wow! What a busy, fun-filled and productive day we had. Thank you to everyone that came out and helped today. God bless you and Merry Christmas!

Steve is doing pretty well all things considered. He took several naps today to get him through. He would get up and go outside to interact with everyone (his favorite thing to do in life!), then come back in and rest some more. He was telling all kinds of stories to all the kids : ). 

He can tell he is feeling a little more run down with each passing day. At night, he can only sleep for about 20 minutes at a time. Then he wakes up and tries to go back to sleep. He usually gives up about 5 or 5:30am and just gets up. Then he takes naps during the day to make up for it. 

We are all getting ready for Christmas. Hard to believe it is only 2 days away! (I've got some last minute odds and ends to tie up tomorrow!) Take care. Enjoy your time with friends and family - as my grandmother always reminded me - you are making memories each and every day! 

God bless!

1 comment:

Kathleen Ware Harris said...

I am thinking of you all and praying for you, as ever. May the Lord continue to make His loving presence known to you all.


Blessings and Love -- Kathy Harris