Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, it is Christmas Day evening. Can you believe it? Months of preparation and then the day is over before you know it. I pray that each of you had a fabulous day with your family and friends. 

What a different Christmas day we had this year. Steve had a rough time. He has had a lot of nausea and pain in his stomach. He has been so very weak. He laid down on the sofa and dozed on and off as we opened presents this morning. He slept a majority of the day. He was not able to eat anything until later this afternoon. Then he kind of rallied for the evening. We were able to spend some time with him this evening. 

My parents were able to spend the day with us today and help us keep the mood light and happy. We played games and laughed a good bit. What special memories : ). 

Please continue to pray for us as we take one day at a time. Steve's medicines and chemo are effecting him more than I realized. He forgot to take his medicine yesterday. This has caused some repercussions. The girls and I will need to be more hands on to care for him. We are praying that this is that low point the doctor was talking about and that he will get better from here. 

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Take care. 

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