Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, Jan 26

We had a fun-filled, emotional, productive and busy weekend! We were able to share some great times with friends, and have some family time too. With the help of a lot people, we were able to get many of Steve's projects done! Thank you so much for that. God has blessed us more than we could ever imagine possible. We just thank him for you all everyday. 

This will be a pretty busy week for us as we prepare for surgery on Friday. We will try to squeeze in as many good times as we can. Steve will have his pre-op appointment on Wednesday. At that point we will know his exact surgery time for Friday. 

Please pray that Steve will continue to have peace about his upcoming surgery and pray for the doctors and nurses that will be involved in the surgery. Pray for strength for our family as we deal with our thoughts and emotions.  Thanks again!

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