Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Sorry for the delay in my posts. We were enjoying Spring Break so much! I stayed busy painting from sunrise to sunset for 7 days in a row. I'm afraid I was so tired that I did not find the energy to keep this updated : )

Steve had an up and down week. He was able to take Becca to the gym and get to a nursery to buy some blueberry plants. He did some planting too. We spent time watching movies, took Becca driving (or should I say went with Becca while she drove), and thanks to Bob, their pigeons won big in this weeks race! On the other hand, Steve was tired and weak and even had chills. Yesterday Steve was sick to his stomach and it is still upset today. His weight remains down. Each time the scale goes up a few pounds, it goes right back down. Partly because he is trying to be more active and is therefore using more calories than we can get in him. 

Steve and I went to see our general practitioner on Thursday. He suggested that we get a pump and give Steve continuous feeding all night in order to get more calories in. Our goal is 2500 calories. Hopefully we will get the pump on Monday so we can start that soon. I am praying that the insurance company will pay for the "formula" we need to use because it is quite expensive. We just have to get his weight up at least 20 pounds! He is soooo thin and weak. The good news is that his pain is pretty much contained to his leg now and we are weaning off the heavy pain meds soon! 

We had such an awesome Easter Sunday! Busy, filled with lots of friends, family, fellowship and worship. Christ has risen indeed! I just loved seeing the church so full of life and the Holy Spirit today. I know Steve enjoyed himself, and he is very tired. He even spoke to Alli's confirmation class about prayer this morning. (She said he did such a good job that she was close to tears!) I expect he will sleep most of tomorrow to make up for the excitement today. In the meantime, the girls and I will head back to school - ugh! Only 6 more weeks (that's 30 school days - not that I'm counting - ha!).

Please pray for Steve to gain weight and strength this week.  Pray that our insurance company will come through for us. I plan on focusing on the songs we sang at church today to carry my "Easter high" with me all week long. God bless you all. 

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