Saturday, April 4, 2009

Visit to the Gym!

Many of you know that Steve and I meet at a gym. He was the manager and I was a customer. While we were dating, we spent many hours working out together with the weights and the stairclimbers. Boy, we were in the best shape of our lives... then we got married and comfortable and life happened. In December before he found out he would be taking chemo, Steve joined a gym down the street. Although I'm not sure I would call it a gym. It is more like a mall! It has an indoor and outdoor pool (with slides for the kids), a rock climbing wall, a cafe, a store, etc.  He did not have the opportunity to use the gym because of the chemotherapy.  

Since Steve has lost so much weight, he decided he wants to get "buff" while he is thin! So, he activated his membership again and went for his first trip on Friday morning. In his text message to me he stated "It was harder than I'd hoped". I can imagine that in his mind he would be able to do a lot more than he was able to. He tried the treadmill and the bicycle but they caused his leg and ankle to hurt too much. So, he used some light weights on his upper body instead. He will have to take it slow and work up to the things he wants to do. He would like for us all to join him this summer. We'll see how the cards play out with that. 

Today, Steve's leg is VERY sore all the way up into his thigh. Ahhh, the dangers of exercise - HA! Of course, that did not stop him. He went with a neighbor and rented a tiller to finish the garden and a few other beds in the yard (for the roses of course). Thank goodness Tom took over the tilling part. I tried that last week and thought my insides were going to come it from the earthquake it caused in my body! (Obviously I need to spend some time at the gym!)

And so, Spring Break begins. I have plans to paint all week. Steve is already talking about all the places we can go and the things we can do! Go to the guitar store, work in the garden, go for a drive in the country... I guess this might turn out to be a busy week  - but at least it is time I can spend with him. 

On a side note, we learned something new this morning. Steve left early to get the tiller and did not take any meds or food beforehand. He came in when they got back and asked me to help him get some food in his stomach. I guess we tried to put in too much too fast because it all came right back up. He says "Hey! Now you can tell everyone you make me throw up!" Is that supposed to be a compliment???? Somehow I don't think so. His odd sense of humor at work again : ) 

1 comment:

Patti said...

Hi Steve and Lisa,
You rock Steve! Keep at it, we all want to see you buffed from working out again. Sorry to be so long in saying hello, but we have been praying for you both and reading your blog which is a blessing to those reading it. Have a blessed Good Friday and Easter.
Patti and Rick Whiteside