Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Emergency Room

Sorry for the delay in my posts. I have been so busy I just have not had the time or energy to blog. Steve has been doing a whole lot of sleeping. I had gotten him settled in his feeding pattern over the weekend. He saw a nurse and physical therapist on Monday. That seemed to go pretty well. I could not get him to feed himself though. He did okay Monday night. He was very tired from all the activity on Monday. So on Tuesday I let him stay in bed and sleep. Monday night his feeding tube came open and the contents spilled out. We got everything cleaned up and started over with liquids, food and meds. The same thing happened again on Tuesday night. 

Today I worked hard on getting water and food in him. Evidently it was too little too late. After talking to the visiting nurse and the doctors office, we got Steve in the car (which was a very hard thing to do), and I drove him to Emory to the ER. I realized in the car on the way over here that I should have brought him yesterday. It is so hard to know. Hind sight is 20/20. Steve is very emotional and irrational. He is hooked up to an IV and is calming down a bit. He keeps crying over his dad. He has these vivid memories about his dad being here before he passed away. 

We are waiting for the doctor to come see us and I imagine that we will be admitted tonight. The girls are quite upset over this whole experience. Please keep them in your prayers tonight and tomorrow. I know that we will be fine. This is just another part of our journey to healing. 

The other day I found myself writing some verses down and putting them in my purse for later. I had no clue why I did that until now.  I pulled it out tonight and found Philippians 4:6 - 7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I am the world's worst about memorizing verses. I guess I just I need to keep writing them down and keeping them in my purse: ) 

More later...

1 comment:

Kay Dew Shostak said...

Thinking of you and I will put this out on the prayer request first thing in the morning. If there is anything in particular you want to put on the prayer request just e-mail me at